Assist Small Businesses with the Spirit of Chinese New Year, PSMTI Holds UMKM and Charity Bazaar

Dozens of tenants, consisting of culinary, beauty, and health products, neatly stood adorning the terrace of Aerium Apartment in Taman Permata Buana, Kembangan, West Jakarta on Saturday (03/02/2024). These tenants were participants in the UMKM and Charity Bazaar organized by the Indonesian Chinese Social Clan Association (PSMTI) through the UMKM, Tourism, and Creative Economy Department in collaboration with the Social, Environmental, and Health Department.

The activity, held in celebration of the Chinese New Year 2024, was supported by Aerum Apartment, EL JOHN Indonesia Foundation, Down Syndrome Association of Indonesia (ISDI), and Daebak Spark.

Meanwhile, several supporting tenants who enlivened the event included Mizora Jewelry, C Greens, Viva Cosmetics, Pempek Raffael, Kedai Khoe, Rissois, Dawet Ireng Bejo, Tebu Wijaya, Jack Rolls, Orens (Cwie Mie Malang), and Delariza Kitchen.

Several PSMTI officials attended the event, such as Vice Chairman of the UMKM, Tourism, and Creative Economy Department Nico Lieke; WKU Department of Law, Human Rights, and Advocacy Johnny Situwanda; WKU Department of Social, Environmental, and Health PSMTI Oey Lusiana, and Honorary Board Sudarmono.

Additionally, from Aerium, Commercial National Division Head Christine Natasha Tanjungan was present along with several staff members. Notably, entrepreneur Dewi Motik, actively promoting cooperatives and small-medium enterprises among the grassroots, also attended among the guests.

In her speech, Dewi Motik appreciated PSMTI’s role in assisting those in need. According to her, PSMTI’s solidarity is unquestionable and has been proven through the social activities they have organized.

“As we know, no one works alone; everyone needs each other. So, applause for PSMTI. And today, we all feel what PSMTI has done and can continue continuously, in other words, we must unite,” said Dewi Motik.

Apart from the bazaar, various entertainments were also presented, such as a dance performance by children with Down syndrome, presented by ISDI. Their performance was warmly welcomed by the guests, with many wanting to take photos with these special-needs children.

ISDI is a non-profit organization providing skill services according to the needs of children, aiming to enhance their abilities with the hope that they can become independent and simultaneously eliminate the negative stigma in society. Other exciting entertainments included lion dance performances and kolintang shows.

Committee Chairman Paulus Sukiyanto expressed gratitude to all parties for their support, making the event a success. Paulus also thanked all committee members who worked hard to prepare the event thoroughly.

Paulus explained that this activity was organized as a form of PSMTI’s support for the government’s efforts to develop and advance SMEs in the country.

“We all know that developing SMEs is one of the government’s programs, so that the economy of the lower-middle class must continue to be developed. And this event is PSMTI’s commitment to help the government’s program,” said Paulus.

Similar sentiments were expressed by WKU UMKM, Tourism, and Creative Economy Department Nico Lieke. He stated that the bazaar event involving SMEs has a positive impact on small business players, whether they are beginners or in the process of development. Therefore, in addition to the bazaar, PSMTI also always assists SMEs through training and guidance.

“In my opinion, the impact is significant. 90 percent of our economy comes from SMEs. So what we do is provide a network, training, assistance in finding funds, and assistance in marketing products. All of this will be useful for all of us,” said Nico.

Meanwhile, WKU Department of Social, Environmental, and Health PSMTI Oey Lusiana stated that the UMKM bazaar activities will continue in the future.

“We are grateful that we can still organize programs that are very beneficial for the community, while also supporting the government’s programs. Therefore, this activity will continue in the following years,” said Lusi.

In the evening, the Charity Fun Night event was held. This event aimed to raise funds, which will be donated to underprivileged Chinese residents in the form of 500 gift packages on February 8.

This article is sourced from El John Media on February 5, 2024, titled “Assisting Small Businesses with the Spirit of Chinese New Year, PSMTI Holds UMKM and Charity Bazaar.



