About Paguyuban Sosial Marga Tionghoa Indonesia

PAGUYUBAN SOSIAL MARGA TIONGHOA INDONESIA (PSMTI); in Chinese “印华百家姓协会” (Yin Hua Bai Jia Xing Xie Hui); in English “Indonesian Chinese Clan Social Association”. The existence of PSMTI today is of course a historical continuation of what has been passed down by the founders of the Indonesian Chinese Marga Social Association (PSMTI). At that time, the founders of PSMTI realized that there were root problems that needed to be discussed and resolved, and efforts were made to resolve them once and for all. For this purpose, a competent forum is needed to accommodate and channel aspirations as well as dialogue with the Government, the House of Representatives and community groups to find the root of the problem and to resolve it as well as possible.

PSMTI is a social organization of ethnic Chinese citizens of the Republic of Indonesia at national level which was established on September 28, 1998 which has spread across 33 provinces and 300 cities/regencies throughout Indonesia. PSMTI is social, cultural and community in nature as a forum for communication, interaction, absorbing and channeling the aspirations of the Chinese in Indonesia with state institutions, government agencies, organizations and other components of society.

PSMTI’s vision is that the Chinese ethnic group, citizens of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia, together with the components of the Indonesian nation, all have the right and obligation to build the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia towards a just and prosperous society.

PSMTI’s missions include:

1) Increase awareness as a community, as a nation and as a state in a sustainable and sustainable manner;

2) Entering the Great Stream of the Indonesian Nation by actively participating in the development of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia in all aspects of life;

3) Establish identity as one of the tribes in the Big Family of the Indonesian Nation;

4) Providing benefits for the Nation and the State, especially in the social, cultural, educational and community fields.

In accordance with our constitution, the Indonesian state is a constitutional state, therefore, since the beginning of PSMTI’s establishment, the Chinese ethnic group, citizens of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia, have made many contributions, including in the field of law, including:

1) Issuance of Presidential Instruction (Inpres) No. 26 of 1998 dated September 16, 1998 concerning Stopping the Use of Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Terms in All Formulation and Implementation of Policies, Program Planning, or Implementation of Government Administration Activities

2) Issuance of Presidential Instruction (Inpres) No. 4 of 1999 dated May 5, 1999 concerning Implementing Provisions of Presidential Decree 56/1996 Concerning Proof of Indonesian Citizenship and Presidential Instruction 26/1998 which ensured that all ethnic Chinese – Indonesians no longer needed to show proof of Indonesian citizenship ( SBKRI) to obtain population administration services

3) Issuance of Presidential Decree (Keppres) No. 6 of 2000 dated January 17, 2000 concerning the Revoking of Presidential Instruction 14/1967 concerning Religion, Beliefs and Chinese Customs so that currently all ethnic Chinese – Indonesians can carry out Chinese culture, celebrate the Chinese New Year independently open even now it can be said that Chinese New Year does not only belong to the Chinese-Indonesian ethnic group but already belongs to all Indonesian people because of its festivities that can be felt everywhere.

4) Issuance of Decree of the Minister of Religion (KMA) No. 13 of 2001 concerning Chinese New Year as a Facultative Holiday

5) Issuance of Presidential Decree (Keppres) No. 19 of 2002 dated April 9, 2002 concerning Chinese New Year’s Day as a National Holiday

Thanks to the hard work of Mr. Murdaya Widyawimarta Po 傅志寬 while sitting in the DPR RI, he has succeeded in fighting for extraordinary laws in the life of the nation and state, namely:

1) Law (UU) No. 12 of 2006 dated 1 August 2006 concerning Citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia where in the elucidation of Article 2 of Law 12/2006 it is explained that what is meant by “native Indonesian people” are Indonesians who are Indonesian citizens since his birth and has never accepted another nationality of his own free will. We need to appreciate that Law 12/2006 is “a monumental work of the nation’s children that changed the paradigm of behavior”. Now the authenticity of an Indonesian nation is no longer marked by physical characteristics that are innate to his ethnic line. The authenticity of an Indonesian is marked by his legal status.

2) Law (UU) No. 23 of 2006 dated 29 December 2006 concerning Population Administration which revoked the Civil Registration Regulations for European, Chinese and Indonesian groups so that in current population administration everything is treated equally.

3) Law (UU) No. 40 of 2008 dated 10 November 2008 concerning the Elimination of Racial and Ethnic Discrimination

Apart from that, the struggle of the Chairman of the Central PSMTI 2013 – 2021 Mr. David Herman Jaya 林萬金 was also extraordinary because he succeeded in pushing for the publication of legal products, namely: 1) Presidential Decree (Keppres) No. 12 of 2014 concerning Revocation of Circular of the Ampera Cabinet Presidium No. SE- 06/PRES.KAB/6/1967 dated 28 June 1967 which changed the term Tjina/China/Cina to Tionghoa

Currently, our task at PSMTI is to prepare the best sons and daughters of the Chinese-Indonesian ethnic group to enter the Great Stream of the Indonesian Nation by actively participating in the development of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia in all aspects of life. We make this happen, among others, by including the best cadres to become TNI-Polri soldiers, enter the judiciary, legislature (City/Regency DPRD, Provincial DPRD, DPD RI, DPR RI), executive (Regents, Mayors, Governors, Deputy Ministers , Ministers, Ambassadors) as well as being a State Civil Apparatus.

PSMTI believes that the complete understanding and practice of Pancasila is the only path to a harmonious pluralistic Indonesian society. Therefore, the pledge that is always read at every inauguration should be absorbed deeply and manifested in our daily lives, namely:

1) Will uphold the dignity and honor of PSMTI.

2) Will comply with the Articles of Association, Bylaws and Regulations and support the work program of PSMTI.

3) Will respect the rights of fellow PSMTI members and others.

4) Will be polite based on Chinese culture.

PSMTI logo and its meaning:
1) A blue flower, a sprig of yellow rice, a series of yellow and white cotton flowers and a red and white flag
2) Meaning of the Symbol:

a. A flower means loyalty in joy and sorrow
b. The blue color of the flower symbolizes sincerity, sincerity and peace
c. The number of flower petals 5 strands symbolizes Pancasila
d. Rice and Cotton mean noble mind and glory
e. The red and white flag symbolizes the State and Nation of Indonesia
f. The number of rice grains is 17 and cotton flowers are 8, symbolizing the date and month of the Proclamation of August 17, 1945